5 Reasons People Are Switching To Keto Diets

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A keto (ketogenic) diet is a very low carb eating plan that includes high fat and medium protein consumption. Ketogenic diets are thought to have numerous health benefits and can aid in the treatment of various chronic health conditions. The goal of keto eating is to cause the body to burn fat for fuel instead of carbohydrates.

While some people find it challenging to reduce their carb intake, most people adjust to it after a few weeks. This article discusses the top five benefits of adopting a ketogenic diet.

Reduced Appetite

Following a ketogenic diet can help with weight loss, as it has been shown to reduce appetite in most people. This is because limiting carbohydrate consumption prevents insulin spikes, which cause sugar cravings and the desire to snack between meals. The large quantity of high-fiber vegetables consumed on a keto diet can also help you feel fuller for longer.

Reduced Blood Sugar and Insulin Levels

Ketogenic eating can help in the management of diabetes and insulin resistance. When carbohydrate consumption is limited, the pancreas no longer has to release as much insulin to manage blood sugar levels. One study involving female type-2 diabetes patients found that following a keto diet for three months significantly improved the participants’ ability to manage blood sugar without intervention.

Quick Initial Weight Loss

Adopting a ketogenic diet can speed up weight loss by encouraging the body to dip into fat stores for energy. This is the result of limiting carb consumption, as it is easier to burn carbohydrates than it is fat. A study published in 2020 found that people following a ketogenic weight loss plan lost around five times as much weight in comparison to people following a low-fat diet plan, over the course of eight weeks.

Might Lower Blood Pressure

Initial studies seem to show that ketogenic eating can help to reduce and moderate blood pressure, though more research in this area is required. The same studies indicate that a keto diet may help in the reduction of cholesterol. For these reasons, this protocol is often recommended by doctors for people with high blood pressure, high cholesterol and heart disease.

It is worth noting that this blood pressure and cholesterol reduction could be a bi-product of the weight loss sustained during ketogenic eating. People with chronic heart conditions should always consult with their doctor before adopting a ketogenic diet, as sudden weight loss can be dangerous.

Lose Belly Fat

Belly fat can be categorized into two main types: subcutaneous fat under the skin and visceral fat which occurs in the abdominal cavity. Visceral fat can pose a significant health risk if the fat lodges around the organs. However, the keto diet can reduce the amount of belly fat a person has.

One study involving 349 people found that following a ketogenic diet for 24 months lead to significant weight loss and reduction in belly fat. On average, participants lost 11.9 kilograms (26.24 pounds) over the course of the diet plan.

Learn More About Eating Keto

Adopting a ketogenic diet correctly takes more than cutting out carbs and eating more fat. It is important to get the carb/protein/fat ratio correct to allow for maximum fat burning. In addition, you should cut out processed foods while eating plenty of fresh vegetables, good-quality meats, fish and other fat sources. Otherwise, your body may not be getting the nutrients it needs.

People with pre-existing health conditions must consult a doctor before embarking on a radical diet change, as sudden weight loss can cause more problems than it solves. You should also have regular check-ups with your doctor while on the ketogenic diet to track changes in weight, blood pressure, blood sugar and cholesterol.